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Upload and download music to your mobile device 

Upload and download music to your mobile device 

Vote: (9 votes)

Program license: Free

Developer: SoundCloud

Version: 2024.04.03-release

Works under: Android

Also available for Mac


Program license

(9 votes)






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Recording and sharing audio is made easy with the SoundCloud app.

Never miss a beat again with the SoundCloud app. Offering an extensive list of listening capabilities and features, SoundCloud brings trending music right to your mobile device. From tracking up-and-coming artists to sharing audio content with your besties, SoundCloud provides endless connectivity while allowing users to explore new listening endeavors. Among SoundCloud’s more favorable features is its ability to download songs and bookmark them for later when users don't have Internet connection. With SoundCloud, you can catch wind of the latest hits before the mainstream media gets ahold of them.


  • Fairly sleek UI
  • Some free songs to stream
  • Social networking feature


  • Many songs are becoming "pay to play" songs
  • Social networking feature is more buggy than desired
  • Menus can be confusing at certain times

SoundCloud is the official Android app that allows users all around the globe to share their audio creations with everyone.

There are two main audiences for the SoundCloud app. The first is artists who want to share their creations with everyone. This section of the app allows in-app recording, and we'll go more into those features below. The other section of the app is made for the general public who wants to listen to music that has been uploaded to SoundCloud's music service.

The creation section of the app is very well-made. Although it's probably used less, it's very polished. Users can simply navigate to the recording section, click record, and their voice and other sounds will be instantly recorded. Upon stopping the recording, users can either save it and upload it or scrap it after reviewing the sound.

Moving onto the more pertinent and widely used part of the app, the music playback features have been toned over the years. After figuring out the more complex than average menu system, users can search for any song or artist. Most famous artists at least have some content up on SoundCloud at this point, so there is usually something for everyone. Users can then select any song, and it will play in SoundCloud's integrated audio system. While it may have been neater to use the Android API, SoundCloud chose to make their own, branded system for scratch, and it does work in this context.

There is one main negative point to be made about the SoundCloud music portion of the app. Unfortunately, SoundCloud has introduced a music streaming subscription that is somewhat similar to Apple Music, Spotify, etc. While this has allowed SoundCloud to expand its offerings, it also means that many artists' songs are behind a paywall now. SoundCloud used to be a place to go to stream music for free, but it is slowly evolving into a pay-to-play service like most of its competitors on the market.

Finally, SoundCloud has an odd social networking feature. It appears that the SoundCloud developers went all out on this one, making "follow" and "like" features that are reminiscent of Twitter and Facebook features. While the social network is more limited and buggy, it definitely beats having to rely solely on third-party integration, and it's a feat for a music app.

Overall, SoundCloud for Android is great for music publishers. For smalltime musicians, it's a great and fast way to get exposure, and it's one of the few popular ways to do so for free. For listeners, the deal has gotten worse over the years, but SoundCloud still has many free to stream songs.


  • Fairly sleek UI
  • Some free songs to stream
  • Social networking feature


  • Many songs are becoming "pay to play" songs
  • Social networking feature is more buggy than desired
  • Menus can be confusing at certain times


  • Discover, Listen and Share New Music You’ll also get personalized music and podcast recommendations based on other music you’ve liked and shared.
  • Connect With Artists and Other Listeners Directly Leave comments directly on your favorite tracks, as well as send private messages to your favorite artists too.


  • Some Users Have Reported Quality Issues This may be a hardware issue, though, since others have stated they haven’t had a loss in quality.

Soundcloud is the best way to discover, listen and share music for free.

With over 120,000,000 tracks available, Soundcloud is an amazing audio platform that lets you not only connect with new music but with other listeners and your favorite artists too!


  • Discover, Listen and Share New Music You’ll also get personalized music and podcast recommendations based on other music you’ve liked and shared.
  • Connect With Artists and Other Listeners Directly Leave comments directly on your favorite tracks, as well as send private messages to your favorite artists too.


  • Some Users Have Reported Quality Issues This may be a hardware issue, though, since others have stated they haven’t had a loss in quality.

Record sounds with the app before sharing them on social media or in an email.

All you have to do is hit record and speak into the phone for your voice to be recorded. There are editing tools to change how your voice sounds before you share with family and friends.